We invite you to register for enriching Mecca Quran Institute (MQI) summer programs for youth from July 9 to August 2!

The MQI Summer Camp for Children (boys 6-10 years old and girls 6-12 years old) will be held between July 9 and August 2 on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays from 10am to 2pm. This group will read and learn Quran during the day and the importance of Islamic morals and ethics, participate in daily activities and arts and crafts, and go on an educational field trip. Lunch and snacks are provided with the program. To register, please e-mail mqi@meccacenter.org. Registration is now closed. Thank you!

The MQI Youth Summer Camp for boys ages 11-15 will be held between July 9 and August 2 on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays from 5pm to 8pm. The camp will include Salat and Wudu workshops, stories of the Sahabah, the names of Allah (swt), sports activities, and snacks. The camp is led by Sh. Tariq Musleh, Sh. Abdullah Damra, and Sh. Sabry Elmansoury. To register, please e-mail mqi@meccacenter.org. Limited seats available!

You can now also register early for Fall 2018 Mecca Quran Institute Programs!

View and download the Fall 2018 Early Registration Form

Registration forms can be submitted to mqi@meccacenter.org or given to Administrative Director Sister Nasreen Amira in-person or mailed to The Mecca Center, Attention: Mecca Quran Institute, 16W560 91st Street, Willowbrook, IL 60527.