Posts filed under: Lectures


Join us for a spiritually enriching Jumu’ah experience this Friday with our esteemed guest khatib, Shaykh Taleb Safi! Let his wisdom and insights inspire us as the holy month of......
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This is a reminder that Elections for four (4) vacancies on The Mecca Center Board for a term of three (3) years will be held insha Allah during the General......
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We need your support! Residents of Dupage county who are deeply concerned about the public health hazard a QuikTrip truck stop on IL-83 would pose to our community. These lots......
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Ramadan is just around the corner! Join us this Saturday, March 5 at 3pm in the main prayer hall for “Getting Ready for Ramadan,” a lecture with Sheikh Hassan Aly......
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Join us for our new virtual series “The Fiqh of the Muslim Family” with Sheikh Hassan Aly every Wednesday at 9pm on Facebook starting June 17....
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The Mecca Center invites you to attend “A Night of Quranic Light” on Saturday, August 4 at 6pm. The event will feature lectures, Quranic recitations, and Nasheed by Sheikh Hassan Aly,......
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Join the Mecca MVMT between August 10 and 12 for a full weekend class being hosted by Qabeelat Wasat, the Chicago Chapter of AlMaghrib. Sheikh Hasib Noor will give a great......
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The Mecca Center invites you to Community Night on Thursday, August 2 with guest speaker Omer Mozaffar who will share about challenges in the lives of Muslim students and how......
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College students and young professionals are invited to attend the Mecca MVMT’s ‘Ilm course, “Seekers of Knowledge,” every Monday through Thursday between 8pm and 10pm from July 9 to August......
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What better way to begin your day than with the Qur’an? Join us for our Daily Tafseer Halaqa every morning, Monday through Friday, after Fajr prayer at the Mecca Center.......
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