Posts filed under: MVMT


The Mecca MVMT invites the entire community to our Open House and Volunteer Fair as we come together to showcase our exciting programs and events for the upcoming year! Come......
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The Mecca MVMT invites Brothers ages 24 to 40 to Let’s Talk, an interactive co-design session on Saturday, July 20 at 7:45pm, which is aimed at creating an engaging and......
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The Mecca MVMT invites Sisters ages 24 to 40 to Coffee Talk: Volleyball Night on Saturday, July 27 at 8pm. This event aims to provide Sisters with an opportunity to......
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The Mecca MVMT invites college and young professionals to our Recharge series Beyond The Grave on Saturdays at 6:15pm on July 20, July 27, and August 3. Join us for......
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The Mecca MVMT invites community members to Seekers of Knowledge: Seerah Unlocked with Sheikh Tariq Musleh and Sheikh Hassan Aly on Tuesdays through Thursdays from 7pm to 9pm between July......
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The Mecca MVMT and Mecca Quran Institute (MQI) present Path To Paradise: Boys Youth Summer Camp for ages 11-15 from July 8, 2019 through August 1, 2019. The camp includes......
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The Mecca MVMT invites High School and College Girls to Qiyams Saturday evenings at 12 midnight during Ramadan. Suhoor is provided. The themes of the Provisions for Paradise (A Sound......
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The Mecca MVMT invites High School and College Guys to Weekly Iftars every Friday at 8pm and weekly Qiyams every Friday late night 12 midnight until Fajr. Suhoor is provided.......
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The Mecca MVMT invites Middle School Girls ages 11-13 to a special Ramadan gathering on Sunday, May 26 for Iftar and Taraweeh starting at 8pm. For more information, please contact......
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The Mecca Center is pleased to offer a Buddy System provided by Muhsen-trained Volunteers Saturdays in Ramadan. Volunteers will shadow or buddy with our special needs children during the first hour......
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