The Mecca Center invites you to join us revive the sunnah prayer of Al Kusuf on Monday, August 21 at 1:15pm for the solar eclipse prayer led by Sheikh Hassan......
Dear respected Mecca Center Sunday School parents, friends, and community members: Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatahu. We look forward to working with you and your children and pray to......
Please join The Mecca Center for “Screenshots from the Seerah: Reliving Moments from the Life of Muhammad (pbuh)” with Sh. Tariq Musleh on August 18! This event is for high......
Thank you for joining us at our August Community Night! The topic of the program, “The First Message Started with Iqra,” was presented as a lecture and discussion led by......
Mecca Center’s Youth Director, Sheikh Tariq Musleh, will be the guest speaker at Camp Transformer, a MAS Youth Camp for boys ages 13-19. The theme for the camp is “Become......
The Mecca Center’s August Newsletter is now available! Read the President’s message about Masjid Al Aqsa, gain some valuable insight into the first 10 days of Dhul-Hîjjah from Sheikh Hassan......
We invite you to join us for a special Mecca Center Community Night led by Sh. Hassan Aly on Friday, August 4 entitled “The Final Message Started with Iqra.” The......
The Mecca Center is pleased to welcome our new Youth Director and Assistant Imam Shaykh Tariq Musleh. Born and raised in Chicago, Shaykh Tariq Musleh has a strong connection with......
Asalamu Alaikum, Dear Mecca Center Community, Jummah Mubarak! Eid al-Fitr will be on Sunday, June 25th. We will host Eid prayers at the Mecca Center, 16W560 91st Street, Willowbrook, Illinois 60527.......