Posts filed under: Programs


ATTENTION: NEW DATE! Join us Sunday, December 13 live on Facebook at 6pm as we discuss what causes loneliness and learn practical ways to overcome it with guest speaker Hadia......
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Join us every Tuesday starting September 15 for “In the Company of God” with Sheikh Hassan Aly and Sheikh Tariq Musleh live on Facebook as we discuss Allah SWT’s beautiful......
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The Mecca Center Quran Institute offers classes in recitation and memorization and targets all ages and levels. We are now enrolling for 2020/2021 which will begin on September 7, 2020 and runs through......
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Stressing over school? The Mecca Center invites parents and young adults to learn how to identify, cope, and overcome anxiety as as we enter the new school year. Join us......
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Join us for our Eid Drive-Thru Celebration on Saturday, August 1 from 10am-1pm in the Mecca Center parking lot. Decorate your cars and enjoy gifts and sweets for you and......
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The Mecca Center wishes that you and your families have had a very blessed and rewarding first ten days of Dhul-Hijjah, insha’Allah. Eid Al-Adha will be on Friday, July 31, 2020. Please tune......
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Join us for a Virtual Town Hall about COVID-19 and how to curtail the virus on Thursday, July 30 at 9pm live on Facebook with Sheikh Hassan Aly, Hani Atassi,......
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Join us on the Day of ‘Arafa on Thursday, July 30 at 6:45pm live on Facebook at
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Join us for “The Best of Deeds in the Best of Days” starting TONIGHT and every night at 9pm on Facebook from July 21 to July 30 with Sheikh Hassan......
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Join us as we welcome the First Ten Days of Dhul Hijjah on Monday, July 20 at 8:30pm (after maghrib) both on-site and live on Facebook with Quran recitation and......
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