Mecca Quran Initiative is now enrolling for their elementary, middle and high school programs. Let's get our youth involved and help shape their minds on Islamic teachings. Register now!
...Welcome to our inaugural Mecca Moves! 5K & 1K Family Run, Walk & Roll! This is part of our Mecca ‘Wellness Initiative’ to promote fitness, physical, mental, and spiritual health in our community within all ages and abilities. Individuals, families, and groups welcome! Celebrate with a post-race wellness fair! All proceeds will be donated to...
Join The Mecca Center for our end of summer member appreciation bbq. We are looking forward to having our community members join us for this fun packed evening. A fun time for the whole family, with bouncy houses for the kids, delicious drinks, food, desserts and more. Get your tickets now!
The Mecca Quran Institute & Transformative Tarbiyah Initiative presents - "The Quran" our greatest gift from Allah. Join Shaykh Omar Hedroug, Shaykh Jafar Hawa and Shaykh Tariq Musleh for our monthly community night. Join us, Friday September 23, at 7pm!
The Mecca Quran Institute and Transformative Tarbiyah Initiative are offering the opportunity to our younger generation Quran teachers and other community leaders to participate in a valuable training workshop.
Join Mecca Quran Institute and Transformative Tarbiyah Initiative for our monthly reviving quranic companionship workshop. Come join our community leaders as we dive deep into topics such as reviving our worship, revving our character and much more. Come revive your relationship with the Quran. We look forward to welcoming our community members September 24th.
We look forward to our next ConverTsation on Sunday, September 25th. ConverTsation is a creative public forum open to all community members, hosted by the Convert Engagement Group. Here we explore convert experiences and histories and reflect on our faith and life in Islam.