About The Mecca Center Quran Blossoms

The Quran Blossoms program at The Mecca Center is for children 2-5 years old and focuses on:

• Quran memorization

• Basic Arabic

• Islamic principles and etiquette

The goal by the end of this program is for students to memorize Juz Amma, inshaAllah. The Quran Blossoms program will accommodate 15 children and 2 teachers per classroom. The program is led by Sister Mai Khairallah who serves as its Principal.

• Registration for returning students opens on Monday, March 18, 2024.

• Registration for all students, including new students, opens on Monday, April 1, 2024.

• We have also added English to our Kindergarten.

• Acceptance is based on a first-come, first-served basis.

Learn more and register for Quran Blossoms online

View and download The Quran Blossoms Calendar

View and download The Quran Blossoms Student Handbook


Summer camp information:

Week by week enrollment and payment
June 12 till August 9. No school on July 4 and first and second day of Eid which is the 17th and 18th of June.
See schedule for timing and session.
Lunch: students bring their own lunch to camp.
Rest time: children, ages three and four may nap after 12pm.
Extra clothes: all children must have an extra set of clothes, available and provided by their parents.

Summer programs fees:

Full day 8:30 to 3:30 PM      $240 per week
Part time:  June 11- July 4, Tue/ Wed/ Thur. 10 AM to 3 PM  ($650  per session) 
Ages 3 to 7 years old
Aftercare:  3:30 pm to 6:00 pm
Water day water day on Mondays


E-mail: quranblossoms@meccacenter.org
Web: www.meccacenter.org

Quran Blossoms Administration.
Mecca center 16W560 91st Street.
Willowbrook, IL 60527
Phone: 630-241-2000 ext. 2011 or 1008