Posts tagged with: The Mecca Center

Unleash strong! Be a Girl Scout. The Mecca Center invites you to a big kick-off recruitment event for girls in Kindergarten to 4th grade on Saturday, October 20 from 3pm......
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The Mecca Center invites community members to our “Meet the Candidates” event on Saturday, October 13 from 5pm to 7pm. Candidates running in the Illinois General Election on November 6......
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The Mecca MVMT invites college and young professional women to “Fundamentals of Faith for the Journey Ahead” at the Mecca Center on alternating Wednesdays at 7:15 pm....
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The Mecca MVMT invites high school girls to Friday Night Live from 7pm to 9pm every Friday at the Mecca Center. Enjoy the company of your fellow Sisters while enriching your......
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The Mecca MVMT presents Mecca Meet Ups for junior high girls ages 11-13 years old every Wednesday from 6:30pm to 8pm. Enjoy the company of your fellow Sisters while enriching......
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On October 20, the Mecca Center is hosting a joint recruitment event for both Girl Scouts and Cub Scouts (1st grade through 5th grade) from 3-8 pm. We will be......
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The Mecca Center is pleased to share that our accountant, Br. Mhd Yaser Heimour, passed his second CPA exam with flying colors and is on his way to becoming a......
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The Mecca Center health and fitness committee, in collaboration with the Syrian American Medical Society (SAMS), recently conducted a health fair at the Mecca Center offering school and sports physicals......
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In partnership with the Family & Youth Institute, The Mecca Center and Mecca MVMT invite you to “Parenting From Within” with Dr. Sameera Ahmed for Islamically-based insights on being a......
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The Mecca Center Youth Committee is presenting a Self Defense for Kids program every Saturday starting October 13 and running through November 10. The program is for boys and girls......
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