Watch our informational session on COVID-19 (Coronavirus) with guest speaker Dr. Mazen Kherallah, MD, MHA, FCCP of Infectious Disease & Critical Care Medicine and Associate Professor at the University of North Dakota.
Learn what you need to know about the COVID-19 Virus, its transmission and spread, the magnitude of the outbreak, the disease spectrum and symptoms, and prevention. This program was originally broadcast live on Facebook on March 12, 2020. Watch the informational session on Facebook.
The objective of this presentation is to increase the public and physicians’ awareness of COVID-19 and to deliver facts that will decrease inflammation and increase information, this information will help in developing individual and community strategies to fight and contain the pandemic!
فيروس كورونا: ماهو وماهي الجائحة وطرق الانتقال والاعراض وطرق الوقاية مع الدكتور مازن خيرالله أخصائي الامراض الانتانية والعناية المركزة