The Mecca Center urges you to participate in the 2020 Census. Your census invitation has likely been delivered by mail to your home. For race, please make sure to specify your ethnicity such as Arab, Indian, Pakistani, Palestinian, Syrian, etc. under “Some other race.”

From the U.S. Census Director Steven D. Dillingham:

We need your help to count everyone in the United States by providing basic information about all adults, children, and babies living or staying at your address.

Results from the 2020 Census will be used to:

  • Direct billions of dollars in federal funds to local communities for schools, roads, and other public services.
  • Help your community prepare to meet transportation and emergency readiness needs.
  • Determine the number of seats each state has in the U.S. House of Representatives and your political representation at all levels of government.

Respond by April 1, 2020 at and use the Census ID provided to you in your invitation.

The Census Bureau is using the internet to securely collect your information. Responding online helps the U.S. Census Bureau conserve natural resources, save taxpayer money, and process data more efficiently. If you are unable to complete your 2020 Census questionnaire online, the U.S. Census Bureau will send you a paper questionnaire in a few weeks for you to complete and mail back.

The census is so important that your response is required by law, and your answers are kept completely confidential. If you need help completing your 2020 Census questionnaire, please call toll-free 1-844-330-2020.

Please see the Help & FAQs section on the U.S. 2020 Census website for more information.

You can visit the State of Illinois official website for the 2020 Census at You can complete the 2020 census online at