Registration for the 2021-2022 year is now closed!

Girl Scouts 2021-2022

Every year, Girl Scouts have the opportunity to run their own cookie business and learn new skills. Teaming up to serve those in need is at the heart of our mission as we raise thoughtful and empathetic girls to be confident leaders. Our troop is based at The Mecca Center, and Islamic values are at the heart of all that we do. Routines with Quran, Dhikr, and duaa are a part of every meeting. The inclusive and Islamic environment of a Girl Scout troop creates a safe space where girls can try new things and just be themselves. 

We have limited space for each age group. If you do not see your child’s grade level on the registration form, it is full. Be sure to register online as soon as you are ready! In order to register, parents are expected to sign up to co-lead at least one meeting activity in the year, as well as contribute their time on one of the Troop committees.

Adult Volunteers

Adult volunteers for Girl Scouts needed! Shape Muslim girls’ hearts and minds and gain exclusive access to the cookie pantry! Spend quality time with the community youth, adventure outdoors, and help girls become the best versions of themselves. We meet once a month at The Mecca Center or off-site for fun field trips. Make a lifelong impact on our girls and invest in Sadaqa Jariyah that goes beyond your life!Â