Asalamu Alaikum,

The Mecca Center invites applications from qualified candidates for the position of Youth Director (YD).

Under the supervision of the Youth Committee Chair, the Youth Director will work closely with the youth committee, Youth Programs Manager, other staff and volunteers and effectively provide development, mentorship, and oversight to their programs and meet their annual goals. The YD is responsible for ensuring that organizational integrity is maintained through implemented processes and projects while also providing spiritual and organizational leadership to the youth.

If you are interested in applying for this position, please send a cover letter and resume to with the words “Youth Director” in the subject line.

Job Description for Youth Director of The Mecca Center


  1. Work with the Youth Programs Manager to develop annual timeline and organizational plan for the year
  2. Active supervision of youth programs and volunteers
  3. Facilitate active mentorship and spiritual growth of youth program attendees and team members
  4. Develop curriculum for weekly youth programs to follow
  5. Perform Friday khutba at the Mecca Center upon coordination with the Religious Affairs Committee
  6. Develop and implement youth programming throughout the year
  7. Oversee social media and marketing of the youth programs with the Communication committee
  8. Additional responsibilities as requested by the Youth Committee or Board of Directors


  1. A Muslim who reflects the practices, values and ethics of Islam, has strong knowledge of the faith and of the Muslim community in Chicago
  2. Experience with youth development and spiritual mentorship
  3. Experience with public speaking and giving presentations
  4. Excellent leadership skills and communication skills
  5. A Bachelor’s degree with a relevant major
  6. Knowledge of organizational management and program management