Posts filed under: Arabic


Ready to make your voice heard? Here are some early voting tips to ensure your vote counts! Let’s make a difference together!...
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Warmest congratulations to each and every one of you on your remarkable achievements in the second annual Quran Institute! Your dedication, perseverance, and commitment to deepening your understanding and connection......
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As we reflect on the past few months, our Muslim Girl Scouts troop has been busy engaging in meaningful activities, making a positive impact in our community, and achieving significant......
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Thank you to everyone who joined us for a delightful evening of tatreez and tea at The Mecca Center! It was truly heartwarming to see our community come together to......
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في هذا الشهر الفضيل، والموسم العظيم، نفحات وبركات، لنا معها تأملات ووقفات… تابعونا كل يوم سبت الساعة الواحدة والنصف بعد الظهر، خلال شهر رمضان المبارك، ووقفات تربوية وسلوكية وإيمانية، في......
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