MQI is currently enrolling students for its Elementary, Middle School, High School, and Sahib Al Quran programs. These courses help students develop Quran memorization and recitation skills while growing their......
Job Description for Executive Director of The Mecca Center The Mecca Center is seeking a full-time Executive Director (ED) to direct the day-to-day operations of the center and execute the......
Join us for “Meanings of Hijra” on Sunday, August 15, 2021 at 8:15pm with Sheikh Hassan Aly, Imam and Religious Director of The Mecca Center, and Sheikh Ahmed Arafat, Imam......
Thank you for joining us for Eid Fest & Movie Night at The Mecca Center! We hope you and your families had a wonderful time. We look forward to having......
SAVE THE DATE! The Mecca Center will hold its Annual Fundraiser on Sunday, December 5, 2021. Follow us for all the latest about this special community event!...
Asalamu Alaikum, Based on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Illinois Department of Public Health’s (IDPH) updated masking guidance, The Mecca Center is recommending that community......
Asalamu Alaikum, Eid Mubarak! Thank you for joining us for Eid Al-Adha Prayers at Hinsdale South High School and The Mecca Center. We are grateful to Allah SWT for his......
Eid Al-Adha Mubarak! Join us on Saturday, July 31, 2021 for Eid Fest & Movie Night at The Mecca Center! The Eid Fest will include inflatables and activities for children.......
Asalamu Alaikum, Dhul Hijjah Mubarak! Eid Al-Adha will be on Tuesday, July 20, 2021. The Mecca Center will be offering two Eid Al-Adha prayers. The first prayer service will be......