Thanks to all the candidates who participated and to all who voted in The Mecca Center’s 2019 Board Election. It was a close election! Congratulations to all the winners! Akram......
For the month of November, The Mecca Girl Scouts Troop continued to learn about kindness and generosity. As they learn about being charitable, they explored the concept of homelessness. The......
Thank you for attending our First Annual Seerah Conference: “A Portal to the Prophet” (pbuh) on November 2 and 3! We hope our conference was enjoyable to all and offered our community......
The Mecca Center Girl Scouts wants our community to go green! We are participating in the TREX challenge which is the collection of all CLEAN plastic bags and films for recycling directly into......
The Mecca Center encourages members to participate in our General Assembly & Election Day this Thursday, November 14, 2019. Ballots will be available on Thursday, November 14, 2019 at The......
The Mecca MVMT invites women ages 24-40 to Coffee Talk on Saturday, November 9 at 8pm in the youth lounge for a discussion about money management with financial planner and......
The Mecca Center November 2019 Newsletter and Prayer Schedule are here! In this month’s issue, read about our dedicated volunteer Br. Sameer Afsar in our Volunteer Spotlight! View and download......
The Mecca Center recognizes volunteers with our Volunteer Spotlight for making a positive difference in our community. Volunteers featured in the Spotlight are individuals who have gone above and beyond......
Muhsen and The Mecca Center invite you to “It’s All About YOU!” on Sunday, November 3 at 12 noon at The Canterberry Room in Oak Brook, Illinois. This program is......
Women’s Workouts are being offered two days a week during Fall 2019! Women’s Bootcamp begins for six weeks every Sunday starting October 27, 2019 from 10am to 11am. This program......