Posts filed under: Ramadan


Due to possible rain, TWO Eid al-Fitr Prayers will be held on Tuesday, June 4 at the Mecca Center with Sheikh Hassan Aly. Takbeerat will begin at 7am and 9am and......
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This year, the Mecca Quran Institute (MQI) Elementary program began working with the Mohammad (PBUH) Our Leader (محمد قدوتنا) team with the hopes of introducing our students to the values......
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The Mecca Center held its Ramadan Interfaith Iftar on Wednesday, May 15, entitled “Strengthening Alliances for Peace.” The Interfaith Iftar is an annual event where the Mecca Center community breaks......
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The Mecca MVMT invites High School and College Girls to Qiyams Saturday evenings at 12 midnight during Ramadan. Suhoor is provided. The themes of the Provisions for Paradise (A Sound......
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The Mecca MVMT invites High School and College Guys to Weekly Iftars every Friday at 8pm and weekly Qiyams every Friday late night 12 midnight until Fajr. Suhoor is provided.......
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The Mecca MVMT invites Middle School Girls ages 11-13 to a special Ramadan gathering on Sunday, May 26 for Iftar and Taraweeh starting at 8pm. For more information, please contact......
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The Mecca MVMT invites Middle School Boys ages 11-13 to Ramadan gatherings of spiritual revival at The Mecca Center. Join the MVMT on Sunday, May 26 for Qiyam at 10pm......
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The Mecca Center is pleased to offer a Buddy System provided by Muhsen-trained Volunteers Saturdays in Ramadan. Volunteers will shadow or buddy with our special needs children during the first hour......
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The Mecca Center invites community members to its Annual Ramadan Dinner (Iftar) on Wednesday, May 15, 2019 at 6:30pm with keynote speakers Bishop Sally Dyck and Mark Siljander. Bishop Sally......
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The Mecca Center and Mecca MVMT are partnering with ICNA Relief and the Madina Community to prepare food baskets for local families in need this Ramadan. This project aims to......
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