The Mecca MVMT recently premiered four videos at its One Year Anniversary Gala at Ashton Place on Sunday, December 16, 2018 featuring testimonies by MVMT members about Weekly, Knowledge, Service,......
The Mecca MVMT Gala’s guest of honor, Imam Suhaib Webb, is excited for the Mecca MVMT Gala this Sunday at Ashton Place! Watch a special invitation message from Imam Suhaib Webb. Get......
The Sahib Al-Quran girls program recently held an important lecture led by Sister Samar Alchammae about the idea of the compound effect, which is the concept of reaping huge rewards......
Attend our Book Fest this Saturday, December 8 at 4pm featuring a Writing Workshop and Author Session with Naheed H. Senzai for ages 3rd grade-high school. Join author Naheed H.......
The Muslim Youth of North America (MYNA) presents 2018 Winter Camp “The Stars in Our Prophet’s Orbit,” December 23 to 29 for youth ages 12-19. Â This winter camp is a......