Summer Camp

Join us for a Seerahful Summer with our Middle School boys and girls Tuesdays through Thursdays from 4-7pm, with field days on Fridays! We’ll have games, study the Seerah of...


Seerah Summit

Join The Mecca Center Transformative Tarbiyah Initiative and Islamic Center of Naperville Faith Insight for Seerah Summit 2023. An educational Intensive Studying on the life of Prophet Muhammad S.A.W. Join...



Join us for a community discussion open to everyone. Come learn the do's and don'ts of navigating non-islamic environments. Join our host Beverly Thomas and special guest Sheikh Omar Hedroug.


Humanitarian Mission to Jordan

Join on the journey of spirituality and service- distributing school backpacks and food kits to over 200 orphans. Please fill out registration information below and we will be in contact...


Mecca Summer Nights- Summer to Remember

Come be apart of our last Mecca Summer Nights- summer to remember. Enjoy our concluding Summer Nights for 2023- It will be a night you won't want to miss! Overview...


Succession- The Rise of Abu-Bakr & Umar (RD)

... The world is aware of who they develop into, but not how they arrived there. Two exquisite men nurtured in the Prophet's shadow. They were amazing role models to us,...


ConverTsatons- Community discussion open to everyone

Let’s have a ConverTsation About Our Past! ConverTsations are open to all community members and heritage Muslims are especially encouraged to attend. -How do we live with the trauma of...
