Posts tagged with: Muslim

The Mecca Center encourages you to attend a MUHSEN Staff and Volunteer Training Workshop on Saturday, April 13 at 3:30pm at the Mecca Center. Help make the Mecca Center and......
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The Mecca MVMT invites High School guys and girls to Pathway To Prayer, a special edition of Friday Night Live, every Friday in April (5, 12, 19, and 26) from......
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Watch a video rendering of the second wing for the Mecca Center! With your support, we can make this dream a reality, insha’Allah! Donate at
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Dear Community Members, Asalamu Alaikum, The Annual Fundraising Dinner Committee would like to thank you for attending our 2019 Annual Fundraiser at Drury Lane. We know you are busy, so......
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Forty (40%) of U.S. households have less than $1,000.00 to address financial emergencies. Many are living paycheck to paycheck. With the shutdown approach a full month, many federal workers and......
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Sheikh Hassan Aly shared Quran verses about standing firmly for justice for all and fulfilling all obligations and covenants this morning at Governor JB Pritzker’s Inauguration Ceremony Interfaith Service in Springfield, Illinois....
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Asalamu Alaikum, Dear Mecca Center Community, Our journey will continue, but our mission is the same! I am truly humbled and honored to be chosen by the board to serve......
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Asalamu Alaikum, Dear blessed members of the the Mecca Center, I would like to thank all of you for all the support and trust you placed in me for all......
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The Mecca Center January 2019 Newsletter and Prayer Schedule are here! In this month’s issue, read a special farewell message from the Mecca Center President, M.A. Hamadeh, M.D. as his......
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The Mecca Center and New Life 365 Opportunities present a lecture for Sisters in Urdu with Ustazah Iffat Maqbool Sunday, January 6, 2019 from 3:30pm to 5:30pm. The program will......
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