Posts filed under: Articles


By Hesham A. Hassaballa There has been — and currently is — a “Khutbah,” or sermon, crisis in many mosques in America and around the world. So many times, the Friday sermons — to which I......
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Asalamu Alaikum, Dear Mecca Center Community, Our journey will continue, but our mission is the same! I am truly humbled and honored to be chosen by the board to serve......
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By Sh. Hassan Aly, Imam & Religious Director Allah (swt) gave the order to Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) to migrate from Makkah to Madina once the persecution of the Muslims by......
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By Sheikh Hassan Aly, Imam & Religious Director, The Mecca Center All thanks and praise is due to Allah, I bear witness there is no God but Allah, alone without any......
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By Rana Abudaoud The Mecca Quran Institute’s first summer program began on July 9th with the aim of helping students benefit from their summer break and fill their time with......
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Thank you for attending our special Community Night Iftar on Thursday, June 7. The enriching evening included breaking our fast together, taking part in prayer as a community, and listening......
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As-Salamu ‘Alaikum Warahmatu Allah Wabarakatuh, Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters, I pray that you and your families will find this Ramadan to be very rewarding – one of charity, good......
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The Mecca Center Special Edition Ramadan Newsletter is available now! Our Ramadan Newsletter includes all of your important Mecca Center Ramadan resources including Adhan times, directions and parking, Isha and Taraweeh......
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Asalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatu, Dear Mecca Center Community, I extend my greetings to our community during the great month of Ramadan. This is the month of mercy and......
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The Mecca Center and the Mecca MVMT thank you for attending the Celebration of the Arts event held last Saturday, April 28. The event aimed to bridge the gap between......
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